What I do

Health & Fitness with Lisa provides personal training to set new health goals.
Learn more about personal training

Are you exercising correctly? A personal trainer can prevent injury by showing you how to work out properly to meet your goals. Don't wait to start your fitness journey.

  • Weight Loss

    If you're working toward your personal fitness goals, you need to know what to eat to support your progress. Learn which foods can help you feel and look your best.

  • Kickboxing / Boxing

    A personal trainer who is available to provide training at a gym can show you how to correctly use free weights, rowers, bikes, or treadmills to your fitness advantage.

  • Weightlifiting

    A personal trainer can help you achieve your goals aerobically by showing you the right exercises to help optimize your oxygen intake and increase your blood flow.

  • Post-Rehab

    Personal trainers show clients the best approach to resistance training activities. They know what works to build muscular strength and improve workout performance.